House Bill 1508
Effective Sept. 1, 2017
HB 1508 adds Subchapter E to Chapter 53 of the Occupations Code to provide that entities that provide educational programs to prepare individuals for issuance of an occupational license shall notify each individual of their potential ineligibility due to conviction of an offense; the guidelines of an occupational license including any other state or local guideline used to determine the eligibility of an individual who has been convicted of an offense; and the right of an individual enrolled or planning to enroll in the educational program to request a criminal history evaluation letter. If the entity fails to provide the notice, and the license is denied due to a conviction of an offense, the entity is liable to the individual for the tuition, exam and application fees paid by the individual. Additionally the bill authorizes a licensing authority that determines that an entity regulated by the licensing authority has failed to provide notice of potential ineligibility to individuals who are then denied, may order the entity to refund the amount of any tuition, examination fees and application fees to the individual.
Form for eligibility check from Texas Commission on Fire Protection may be obtained at